Северо-Кавказский Государственный Университет
Филиал в городе Георгиевске
По английскому языку
Брежнев Е. Ю.
Катышева Л.И.
Г. Георгевск 2004
How many up to him{it} all variety of elements which have created the
surprising world around of the person and which make his{its} most essence
tried to result chemists in system…
How many people have staked for the sake of it the life. Many
understood, felt, that there should be such system — the law of the nature,
aspired to open it{him} is and it is vain. It{he} has constructed its{her}
one — periodic system of elements. System of elements of D.I.Mendeleyev.
It was the mighty person, because made him{it} under force only to the
giant. How it was possible to it{him}? Due to what? Due to the of
improbable force to talent, due to a fortress of spirit, due to confidence
that business of it{him} is necessary.
It{He} has appeared in Petersburg silently and imperceptibly, having
overcome on horses a long way from sleepy Tobolsk where it{he} was born, up
to noisy, talkative Moscow and magnificent city on Neva. And how in
unfamiliar big city this blue-eyed young man who is not having neither
notable relationship, nor rich parents differently could appear? Father of
it{him} was director of the Tobolsk grammar school — a post not the god a
message what profitable, and small glass which basically and began to feed
family after father, go blind, has been compelled to leave teaching, too
did not bring the big income. And nevertheless, when it{he} , it was the
big impact for Mendeleev. After all fourteen souls of one children…
Mitia was younger and, similar, the most favourite. In the childhood
it{he} possessed not too a sound health, and in damp Petersburg air and at
all to feel began itself unimportantly. Sometimes he{it} a throat had
blood, and doctors believed, that at him{it} last degree of a consumption
began. It{he} laid in clinic of pedagogical institute where it{he} studied,
when once during detour the main doctor, thinking, that Mendeleyev has
fallen asleep, has told to director: <Well this will not rise any more…>
And <this>, having heard the verdict, sat on beds, has got writing-books
and has there and then plunged into records with lectures.
Institute friends have managed to arrange for Mendeleyev an audience at
court physician Zdekauera, and that, having heard it{him}, has delicately
advised to go on the south. To tell the truth, Zdecauer has given still
advice — seem simply so, just in case Piragavim.
And in Crimea at this time there was a war, and Pies, having rolled up
sleeves, operated since early morning and till the late evening. For days —
tens amputations. Mendeleyev many times saw it{him} from apart, but all did
not dare to approach to it{him}. Pies was more necessary.
Mendeleyev also could not think, that a kind of Simferopol, city, in
general, enough removed from a front line, can make on him{it} such heavy
impression. Restaurants worked, no, hospitals was a little, and around of
city tents with a red cross have crowded. And everywhere …
Mendeleyev here knew nobody. Pies seem inaccessible. And the graduate
of the capital institute who has arrived on consultation to find to itself
put here, certainly, could not. And it{he} writes to the brother in the
letter: <the South which so attracts you, this south, believe, it is good
only in the north, yes two — three months in one year, and that let it
But at last Mendeleyev before Проговым. The great doctor with
unexpected attentiveness examines so strange here the patient and… Grants
to it{him} a life! Mendeleyev has for ever remembered that has told to
it{him} of Pies: <Нате to you, , the letter of yours . Save up it{him}, yes
sometime to it{him} and return. And from me bow transfer. You will go
through both of us>.
The inspired Mendeleyev is born{carried} to Odessa. With it{him} only
that on it{him}, yes is a little money, but all so is good, ahead has put —
tempting and interesting so much, now it is necessary to hasten, because
time lost in burdensome expectation, to not return any more.
To Odessa at Mendeleyev a direction. It{he} has received there a place
of the teacher of natural sciences, from him{it} there the small
laboratory, the first laboratory, and there and then, near at hand —
excellent library.
Here, in southern seaside city, it{he} starts to search <for the reason
of chemical affinity> — of what thought already for a long time and to that
it{he} will devote all life.
Half-year in Odessa, and Mendeleyev again in Petersburg. It{he} has
arrived not with empty hands: work which it{he} has brought — the most thin
and most laborious research on specific volumes. It actually his{its}
dissertation. She{it} gives it{him} the first scientific degree of the
master. The master of physics and chemistry. To Mendeleyev it was executed
then only twenty two years.
It was his{its} first big victory. But a victory, which pleasure has
saddened to mountain: favourite sister who has arrived together with
it{him} from Tobolsk has died. And now it{he} has remained in Petersburg
one. Sometimes it{him} pulls home — look on native places, to meet
relatives, but this dream even long decades will be dream. And only on a
slope of years, already world famous scientist, coming back from
expedition{dispatch}, it{he} will make a hook to see Tobolsk. It will be
short returning, but full of disappointments.
And in October of the same year when it{he} became the master.
Mendeleyev has struck all friends: it{he} has protected the second
dissertation. Of course — a case ! Scientists have not without hesitation
accepted Mendeleyev's second work though it and was the serious
contribution to chemistry . But too all this was unusual…
And then young Mendeleyev on the post carriage which was rolled quickly
with the four of horses, goes in the first business trip — through Warsaw —
further, to the well-known Heidelberg, in laboratory of the patriarch .
Mendeleyev trusted, that the days which have been lead{which have been
carried out} to laboratories of the Heidelberg university, near to the
glorified chemist, to it{him} will be useful, but it{he} was mistaken.
Bunzer, borrowed{occupied} with the experiences, has met the young Russian
colleague politely, but it is constrained. And in laboratory where to
Mendeleyev have allocated a place, there was all as it is impossible more
inconsistently: in narrowness students crowded, there was no utensils,
reactants. Mendeleyev has immediately understood, that here it{he} only
will waste time. With a kind of the deepest regret has told Bunzeru, that
it{he} is unhealthy, has thanked for so hospitable hospitality and has
there and then moved down from a university apartment. And soon again in a
way. This time — to Paris, to Celerony — to that Caleroni, better which
nobody could do{make} chemical devices and tools. Most exact of all exact
weights because others did not suit his{its} work were necessary for
It{He} has returned to Heidelberg where has removed{has taken off} tiny
under laboratory and where it{he} was waited already with the concerned
letter of the trustee of the Petersburg educational district — it is
visible, messages on trick with have reached.
Mendeleyev has answered: <the Main subject of my employmentis physical
It did not hasten home — and not because did not wish to see the city,
already for a long time becoming to it{him} native. It{he} did not hasten
because in Heidelberg to it{him} was well worked, it{he} felt like free,
independent. And consequently still, that here it{he} has found new
Ivan Setchenov, Alexander Borodin, Dmitry Mendeleyev — they were then
are young, their names did not sound yet so loudly, but each of them was
already known for the works. All three excitedly were engaged in chemistry.
Mendeleyev tried to comprehend essence of the phenomena occuring at a level
considerably more thin, rather than molecular, and has opened temperature
of absolute boiling. Setchenov has penetrated into chemistry of gas
exchange in living tissues, and the author of <Prince Igor> with ecstasy
pottered with test tubes and flasks and by then was the author of several
large printed works in chemistry.
To Troy great Russian. Small <mighty >. They worked not hands, and in
the evenings converged for is expected, shared everything, that has
collected for a day. Hardly later, when to them has joined Methnicov, they
swore, that if from them in a life it will be difficult for somebody,
everyone will gather to come to the aid. They have constrained this oath.
… And in Heidelberg they had happy time. In work all was got on — and
consequently the mood was fine, and they had a rest too selflessly.
frequently sat down a grand piano, and that all time went in the next small
town to listen to the well-known body.
Together with Borodinym Mendeleyev quite often went to mountains. That
them attracted… Unless it is possible to tell about it? They liked to go
upwards on difficult road, clinging for stones, sometimes in a dirty and
in a snow. And without it in a life something lacked. As well Dmitry
Ivanovich itself has written about it — to the girlfriend of sister Olga,
the future wife. As it{him} pulled then to and as much later it{he} will
be ready to give everything, everything if only to leave it{her}. As well
it{he} has written to it{her}: <you will not forget this minute, will be
glad ten versts to climb, once again to test the same. And why? I to you
shall not tell. I shall tell because I do not want, no, itself I do not
know and I can not invent…>
Friends united not only predilection for chemistry — they were in many
respects similar — with identical passion were given work, and by
something, with a head were immersed in new business. It was to tell the
truth, shown at them differently. Mendeleyev all was given passion and did
not cool down, while in it{him} the spark decayed even. It{he} did not
undertake something another, was not convinced yet that here it{he} has
learned{has found out} and has taken all. It{he} was sincerely pleased the
affinity with as counted his{its} unusually talented person and thanked
destiny that she{it} has reduced them.
And was similar to noisy, sparkling fireworks which it{he} is skilful
to prepare and prepared always , with love. It{he} perfectly painted in
oils and drew, is skilful to mould and engrave — not speaking that it{he}
played on many tools, — was the chemist and the composer. And how to know,
whether from this friendship with went then hobby for art. Probably, all
the same many-sided nature — it really inevitable display of the big
talent. The person, great really, probably, cannot enclose all force and
all talent in one channel. A life, as if being afraid to lose invaluable
particles of human talent, does not allow it{him} to make it.
And in Petersburg Mendeleyev suddenly feels sharp pleasure of
returning. It{he} has understood, that all years missed this city. Now
it{he} not one here: sister Olga has returned. Together with the husband
decembrist Basarginym she{it} was in the long Siberian reference. Here, in
its{her} house, Mendeleyev even more often meets with — she{it} is
pleasant to it{him}, but it{he} badly knows women and is not confident that
is necessary to follow advice{council} of the sister and to marry. It{he}
wants to find out — whether they can with understand each other, but every
time perplexed stops: no, it is visible, has not stuck to hasten, hurry
destiny. Let all develops how is, without any efforts.
It{He} trusts, that so it will be better. Then suddenly inflow of
despair — it{he} doubts of itself, in the and writes the letter. No, not
the letter, and cry from the heart is born{carried} to the sister to Moscow
(her{it} have carried away for the period of an affair). And that answers:
<you are engaged, declared by the groom, in what position there will be
she{it} if you now will refuse?> And it{he} concedes.
And in fact that is strange: it{he} was the person with strong
character, is skilful to stand for itself and God forbid to someone it{him}
to offend, and here suddenly it{he} has conceded. From what? It{he} knew,
that has been in love only, instead of liked. And married. To it{him} it
was not indifferent? Probably, no. But it{he} trusted, that if has left ,
for it{her} it would become valid impact. And it{he} could not reconcile to
it. It{he} is not skilful to hurt anothers.
In three years at the son was born. Dmitry Ivanovich together with the
friend the professor Iljinym buys from the ruined prince small , nearby to
Klin, moves there and with starts to be engaged in an agriculture.
However, the hobby it was not casual: Mendeleyev for a long time missed
the nature.
In it is good it{him}. It{he} walked much, exploited, strove on the
skilled field, and in the evenings quite often met herd going from a
pasture. It{he} very much loved all this. But business not only in it.
Experiences which it{he} puts, serve one purpose. His{its} science should
to people concrete advantage{benefit}. Here, in , it{he} brings up in
itself(himself) other attitude{relation} to business: work of the scientist
should not be outside of communication{connection} with practice. And right
at the end of the life it{he} will recollect these days and will write
about experiences: <they are important for me because justify all my
further attitude{relation} to the industry>., it appears, when it{he}
started to think of the future.
For now still it{he} walked with the son on glades, with boyish passion
played on a lawn in a croquet, pottered on a current, collected just the
bought thresher. Also it was visible, that here, in , it{he} feels like
itself(himself), freely and happily.
So thought, looking at him{it}, his{its} wife. She{it} thought, that so
will be always, that Dmitry Ivanovich has understood, at last, where and in
what his{its} happiness. From one only these ideas the wave of silent
pleasure overflew her{it}.
But she{it} was mistaken. In its{her} husband the great scientist at
that time ripened. It{he} did not think of it. She{it} simply did not
understand it.
And again Petersburg. The idea on chemical affinity of elements which
has come within students, again excited it{him}. It{he} has been absolutely
firmly convinced, that by all means should exist certain law — imperous,
relentless which defines{determines} this affinity or distinction of the
elements occupying the world.
How many up to him{it} was attempt — naive, far-fetched — find this
law, obeying it{him} to place all elements on harmonous system… At that
time chemists have opened and <have measured> 64 elements, knew their
nuclear weights so the material for work already was. There was no only a
person who would manage to penetrate into this secret laying as it seemed,
somewhere nearby and nevertheless inaccessible.
French chemist Shankurtua searched for law, having arranged elements on
the screw cutting put on worth cylinder. All is vain.
English chemist Njulends, the person, probably, the refined nature,
tensely searched for a solution with the help of music. It{he} trusted,
that those parities{ratio} which exist between elements, are similar to
parities{ratio} between musical tone and his{its} octave. construct the
system, it is artificial pushing in it{her} elements, them under those
sizes which itself and has prepared. The system was, but the system of
elements was not. it was necessary to go through minutes when chairman of
the British congress of scientists has asked it{him}, not hiding irony:
whether <dear gentleman tried to arrange elements alphabetically and
whether it{he} has seen thus of any laws?>
Mendeleyev looked in the essence of the phenomena and did not try to
search for any external communication{connection} uniting all elements in
the base of a universe. It{he} tried to understand — that them connects and
that defines{determines} their properties. Mendeleyev has arranged elements
on increase of their nuclear weight and began to grope law between nuclear
weight and other chemical properties of elements. It{he} tried to
understand ability of elements to attach to itself(himself) atoms of
relatives or to give the.
It{He} has armed with lots of cards and has written on one party{side}
the name of an element, and on other — it nuclear weight and formulas of
his{its} some major connections. It{he} again and again shifted these
cards, stacking them on properties of elements. And in his{its}
consciousness any new laws emerged, and it{he} with the familiar excitement
previous to opening, cautiously moved ahead further and further. Hours
it{he} sat, having declined above the table, again and again peering into
records, and felt, how the head and as eyes were dimmed with a shivering
veil started to be turned from a pressure{voltage}…
Speak, that in dream to it{him} there has come inspiration and that at
night to it{him} as, in what order it is necessary to spread out those
cards that all has lain in the places under the law of the nature. Can be.
The brain of the person always is awake. But there was Mendeleyev to this
enlightenment years! It{he} moved ahead intelligently, beforehand planning
and expecting each next step. Can, and there was that inspiration, but
it{he} cannot be named casual.
Mendeleyev has found communication{connection} even between the most
unlike elements. It{he} has found out, that properties of elements if them
to place in ascending order nuclear weights, through correct intervals
repeat. Mendeleyev understood: accident it could not be. Then it{he} has
made last — deciding step: has arranged all elements also on groups, having
united in separate families of close relatives. It{he} so clearly saw
harmony of the system created by him{it}, that, having noticed absence of
an element between aluminium and the titan, has left to it{him} an empty
seat. Such empty cells{cages} it was necessary to leave two more.
Mendeleyev's system allowed it{him} to expect opening.
First of them has followed in four years. The element for which
Mendeleyev has left a place and properties which nuclear weight it{he} has
predicted, has suddenly appeared! Young French chemist Lekok has sent the
letter in the Parisian academy of sciences. In it{him} it was spoken: <The
day before yesterday, on August, 27, 1875, between two and four o'clock in
the morning I have found out a new element in a mineral zinc from mine
Pjerfitt in Pyrenees>. But the most amazing still was necessary.
Mendeleyev has predicted, still leaving for this element a place, that
his{its} density should be 5,9. And asserted{approved}: the element open
by him{it} has density 4,7. Mendeleyev, and in eyes not seeing new it and
is more surprising than elements — themes, declares, that the French
chemist was mistaken in calculations. But also appeared : it{he} assured,
that was exact. This dispute resembled any game in which participated .
This magician carried Russian name.
Hardly later after additional measurements it was found out: Mendeleyev
was unconditionally right. The first element, filling an empty place in the
table, has named gallium in honour of the native land of France. And to
anybody then has not occurred to name it{him} of the person who has
predicted existence of this element, person who has once and for all
predetermined a way of development of chemistry. It was made by scientists
of the twentieth century. Mendeleyev's name carries an element open by the
Soviet physicists.
… And houses at him{it} all goes somehow inconsistently. To it{him}
it is lonely. It{he} for a long time already knows, that it{him} never
will understand. She{it} wants, that it{he} was the provisional family man
and all free time from teaching carried out{spent} together with it{her} in
village. And it{he} cannot. became for him{it} a stage in a life, and this
stage appeared already behind.
Mendeleyev for some months leaves for America — study local methods of
an oil recovery. America surprises it{him}: it{he} expected to see
something absolutely other. The first city of staff — New York. It{he} has
seemed to the great chemist simply ordinary-looking, reminding the big
district cities of Russia. The well-known petrocrafts? But it{he} anywhere
did not meet more thoughtless attitude{relation} to natural riches…
However, it{he} did not meet still much in a life, this large, hardly
the man with a fair-haired beard and long hair. To it{him} for forty, but
it{he} did not meet very important in a life that fills with its{her}
special, quivering sense. It{he} yet did not like.
They have got acquainted in the house of his{its} senior sister.
Her{it} called Anna, she{it} was a daughter of the Cossack colonel and so
did not resemble all girls whom it{he} met before… She{It} was harmonous,
slow, under dense black eyebrowes the big grey eyes shined, and a head
decorated long, heavy . She{it} has arrived to Petersburg to act{arrive} in
the Academy of arts, and has remained in this city for ever. She{it} has
found here of what is not courageous to dream and in the most courageous
It{He} has fallen in love with it{her} as the boy. First it{he} at all
did not understand, that to it{him} occurs: near to it{her} it{he} felt
sharp attacks of loneliness. It was very similar to how the person, from
thirst in desert, near to a source feels tortures more sharply. It{he}
avoided her{it}, was hidden on the half of house, but should force to not
think in any way itself of it{her}.
Father of her{it}, having learned{having found out}, however coldly
she{it} has costed with the groom, disturbed, has gone to Petersburg here
again has learned{has found out} that all knew: his{its} daughter and
Mendeleyev like each other. However hopes at them any was not. divorce to
allow did not agree, and father Anna ordered to demand to it{her} from
Mendeleyev, that it{he} will not search with it{her} for meetings.
Mendeleyev promised.
But promised . It{he} simply could not constrain the word. It{him}
attracted in those places where as it{he} knew, it was possible to meet
her{it}. It{he} entered into a building of the Academy of arts and waited
for her{it}, being hidden for columns, disappearing in shadows of halls.
It{he} also behaves as the boy.
Father Anna undertakes one more step: it{he} sends the daughter for the
winter to Italy.
There was a frosty December, and Mendeleyev, looking in a window of the
car, compressed a hat in hands. It was foggy, and it seemed to it{him},
that they more never will meet…
She{It} has left, and it{he} wrote to it{her} the letter behind the
letter and lowered{omitted} them in a box attached to a table behind which
worked. In fact it{he} promised to not remind of itself(himself)…
Then it{he} accepted time to go to Algeria — on chemical congress.
His{its} friend
— Beketov, seeing hopeless despair with which Mendeleyev got ready for a
trip, has not born and has rushed off to in . On what it{he} expected,
knowing her{it}, it was not clear, however contrary to any reasonable logic
has managed to convince her{it} to give freedom to the husband. Having
secured with the consent to divorce, Beketov on wings has departed to
Petersburg and has hardly — hardly found Mendeleyev before departure for
The steamship has moored in Algeria, but Mendeleyev onboard was not.
It{he} was in Rome. Near it{her}.
From Rome — if only to remain together, they have rushed to Africa,
have come to be in Egypt, then — in Spain. And in Rome — so hastened — to
anybody have not said goodbye…
But up to full happiness it is still far. The church has imposed on
Mendeleyev's marriage{spoilage} — an interdiction, and it{he} seven years
had no right to marry. One year later the Kronstadt priest has broken this
interdiction and has married Dmitry Ivanovicha to Anna Ivanovnoj and for
other day in punishment has been deprived the dignity.
Such they had love. Difficult, beautiful, painful and happy. Mendeleyev
what it{he} touched in a life, was always given all — with passion, in a
mighty impulse. So it{he} liked, so destroyed enemies so worked — day by
day — all life.
Were at him{it} and hobby, but even they turned to the big, serious
Successively Mendeleyev is a lot of years was engaged in research of
gases, he{it} had the most serious proceedings this theme. But it{he}
reflects and about the friend: <Russia… Owns the most extensive against
all other educated countries coast still a free atmosphere. Russian
therefore and to seize the last… With the device accessible to all and
a cosy impellent shell…> And is farther: <… To attach to a balloon
hermetically sealed, , the elastic device for a premise{room} of the
observer which then will be provided with compressed air and can safely
do{make} for itself definitions and operate a sphere>. In fact that is
surprising! About a tight gondola it{he} wrote for some tens years before
, the subjugator of a stratosphere, for the first time has constructed such
gondola. And the lowered device of a spacecraft on which Jury Gagarin came
back to the ground? The same idea. Idea of a tight cabin…
August, seventh, 1887 Mendeleyev has achieved the sanction together
with the pilot and one more researcher to rise on a sphere for supervision
of a full solar eclipse. Grey rainy day was, all sky is tightened{delayed}
by clouds, and a sphere filled with hydrogen, is lazy pulled cables.
His{its} assistant V.E.Tishchenko has approached to Mendeleyev and has
told: <Dmitry Ivanovich, at a balloon is not present elevating force. I
see, I know business, to fly it is impossible, I assure you, it is
Mendeleyev has answered, and in this answer it{he} was all — and as the
scientist, and it is simple as the person: <the Balloon is too the physical
device. You see, how many people watch{keep up} flight as behind scientific
experience. I cannot undermine at them belief in a science>.
Together with pilot Mendeleyev through a board of a high basket and at
once has understood: the sphere will not lift even two. And it{he}
immediately decides to fly one. To think only: the person never earlier
flying on a sphere, dares to fly alone!
In flight it{he} is cool, all does{makes} <on a science>, and having
finished{stopped} all supervision, the cord going from the final valve
finds out, that, has got confused and does not allow to open it{him}. Then
Mendeleyev gets out of a basket, climbs up on and untangles an ill-starred
Mendeleyev said goodbye to university in 1890, and it were the most
depressing days in his{its} life. It{he} left not at the will — and that it
was heavier this farewell. It{he} has got on a student's meeting, began to
convince all , to it{him} have not listened, then it{he} has suggested
students to write the requirements and has promised to inform this letter
up to minister of education. The word it{he} has constrained also the
student's petition has handed over minister. And that has soon returned the
letter accompanied with a note in which did not remain places of an
ambiguity: the one who will be in the service his{its} imperial majesty,
<has no right to accept similar papers>. Minister, probably, not quite
realized, to whom it{he} paid these words.
Mendeleyev did not begin to wait, while to it{him} will hint twice.
It{he} has submitted to resignation. The rector of university has not
accepted the application. Then Mendeleyev has simply taken and has put the
paper sheet combined twice in a pocket of the rector.
It{He} has read up a rate up to the end. Last lecture has read superb
though, probably, it dearly costed to it{him}. His{its} audience that day
has been filled, as never: to say goodbye to it{him} there came students
and others . Being afraid of excitements, in an audience have directed
group of gendarmes. Having seen them in a hall, Mendeleyev was
lowered{omitted} on a chair and, having put the big head on hands, has
silently begun to cry…
But it is far from being the end. It{he} has not surrendered. Still
worked more many. It{he} invents new, gunpowder which gets huge value for
military science and which recipe on a criminal negligence of the
government departures to America. Mendeleyev warned, that so can happen —
and happened. And in 1914 Russian military department has bought some
thousand tons of this gunpowder from the States. Americans, receiving gold
from the Russia which has entered war, did not hide, that it < gunpowder>.
Then it{he} becomes the scientific keeper of Depot of exemplary
measures and weights, conducts huge work on introduction of uniform metric
system, personally defines{determines} weight of the standard of pound in
grammes — with very big accuracy — up to the sixth sign after zero,
moreover at war with bureaucrats, beating out money for reconstruction and
expansion of a building. Then, it is visible, having given up as hopeless,
has planned cunning: has organized visiting the Board of Weights and
Measures by his{its} imperial highnes and before his{its} arrival ordered
to pull out from cellars any unnecessary devices, boxes and to place all
directly in corridors, on road, to create narrowness. Supervised over this
work (on memoirs of his{its} employee O.Ozarovskoj) assiduously: <Under
legs{foots}, under legs{foots}! To cross it was necessary! In fact will not
understand, that is close, it is necessary, that stumbled, then will
understand!> And in fact has excellent achieved, that wanted! Money
Such it{he} was the inventor who is were fond and at the same time such
constant. Has written somehow, already in an old age: <Itself I am
surprised, that only I not on the scientific life>. Yes, the talent is
many-sided. The genius — especially…
The genius? Having heard once as someone from his{its} pupils has made
it aloud, has become angry seriously, has waved hands and has shouted it is
quarrelsome: <What there the genius! The genius worked all life, and…> Is
not present, all the same the genius.